Advanced Root Canal

Root canal therapy has gone high-tech recently, making the procedure as easy as possible for both patients and dentists! Thanks to recent root canal technology, teeth can now be treated without invasive dental procedure. With modern root canal instruments and advanced equipment dentists have more resources than ever to complete successful root canals, and patients can have the procedure done in just one visit. If the pulp becomes infected, the infection may spread through the root canal system of the tooth.

Advanced Root Canal Technology

 There have been many new advancements in endodontic technology, making endodontic procedures safe, more efficient and precise. At Advanced Endodontics, our facilities are equipped with the latest new endodontic technology that offers quicker processing, new enhanced visibility and increased patient comfort. Rest assured that our skilled and experienced endodontic team takes full advantage of new technological innovations like these to provide our patients with exceptional, world-class care and comfort.

1.In-Chair Entertainment

Movies and music have a way of calming anxiety and distracting fear. We have a wide selection of movies and music for you to watch and listen to while we perform your root canal. Because it’s all about your comfort, we can also stream your movies and music during your endodontic procedure.

2.Digital Radiography

Digital radiography has enabled us to reduce radiation in our dental office by more than 80%.This technology  renders digital versions of your x-rays and enables us to zoom in and inspect abnormalities in great detail before we begin performing your root canal.

3.Nitrous Oxide Sedation

If you’re anxious about your endodontic treatment, our office offers nitrous oxide sedation, or laughing gas, to help calm your nerves. If you are interested, we’ll go over your medical history to make sure nitrous oxide sedation is a good option to help comfort you during your endodontic procedure.

Tips for Care After a ROOT CANAL

A treated and restored tooth can last a lifetime with proper care. Root canals have a high success rate. Here are a few ways to take care of your teeth after a root canal:

1.Practice good oral hygiene 

brush teeth twice a day, and floss at least once. Taking care of your teeth can help prevent future problems.

2.Visit the dentist regularly

cleanings and examinations by dentists and hygienists.

3.Avoid chewing on hard foods

 chewing on hard foods such as ice can cause teeth to break, and can harm root canals.

Why would I need a root canal?

A lot of people ask, “Why can’t I just take an antibiotic and make the infection go away?” If you take an antibiotic, it will help your symptoms go away, but the problem is inside the tooth. The only way to fix the problem is to go inside the tooth with a root canal procedure. We can actually go in and take care of the problem once and for all.

What is root canal retreatment?

Most root canal treatments are successful. However, retreatment is sometimes needed. Cases that were done elsewhere are sometimes sent to us for evaluation and help in developing a remedial plan. A root canal procedure that fails is usually attributable to bacteria that remain in the canal or, gradually seep back in and re-infect the tooth.